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  • When you accept an email offer, you also accept to pay the fee for the job you are asking us to do.

  • If the quote is above CHF 500.-, 50% of the fee must be paid in advance.

  • All the documents and information you send to me will be treated confidentially.

  • For other proofreading jobs, the deadline is agreed upon in advance by both parties.

  • For big jobs (the proofreading of a book for example), a written agreement is drawn and signed by both parties who try to stick to it, except for exceptional circumstances.

  • All the documents and information you give to us, including recordings if there are any, will be treated confidentially.

  • For big jobs (such as writing a biography), a written agreement is drawn to state le nature of the job, its length, its rhythm, its cost and the payment conditions and signed by both parties who try to stick to it, except for exceptional circumstances.

  • For shorter jobs, the deadline is agreed upon in advance by both parties.

  • All the documents and information you send to me will be treated confidentially.

  • The deadline and the fee are agreed upon in advance and must be accepted by email.

  • If the quote is above CHF 500.-, 50% of the fee must be paid in advance.

  • I do not contract out the jobs that you entrust me with.

  • I evaluate each translation request before accepting it and if the required skills are beyond my field of expertise, I decline the job.

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