Would you like to share you experience with les mots ? Get in touch !
★★★★★ So happy I found Gaëlle's class.
Very difficult to find French conversation classes but I am so happy I found Gaëlle’s class. Here we get to speak French on a different subject every week in a very relaxed and friendly atmosphere. After each class she sends a recap of any new words or expressions used in the class. Even though my pronunciation is not great I still feel I can contribute to this class and am not afraid to try or don’t feel judged given that Gaëlle is very encouraging. I would recommend this class to anyone who wants to improve their spoken French.
Colette Di Gesu, July 2024 (Google)
★★★★★ Infinite patience and flexibility.
I’ve been trying for years to better my French and despite taking several French courses, my conversational French wasn’t progressing. That changed after I started taking private lessons with Gaëlle, where she helped me get past my inhibitions and make a beginning towards speaking the language without getting stuck over my mistakes.
Gaëlle works with infinite patience and flexibility to help one learn. The fact that she uses English to explain particularly complicated aspects of the French language (if she finds you struggling to understand it in French) is an excellent method to clarify linguistic peculiarities and makes it easier to understand the workings of a foreign language.
Merci beaucoup, Gaëlle!
Debashree M., June 2024 (Direct message)
★★★★★ Great fun, informal and educational.
Babble breaks are great fun , informal and educational. Gaëlle introduces various topics of conversation and everyone in the group is given the opportunity to contribute. She very kindly and respectfully corrects any mistakes and offers tips on grammar points, vocabulary and French language and culture. Each session is followed up with a concise summary of what was covered in the lesson and a fun flash card exercise to further cement learning points . I would recommend French learners of any level to try babble breaks to improve confidence and skills in order to communicate in French .
Lessons are arranged in advance with excellent communication prior to each lesson .
Rachel B., June 2024 (Google)
★★★★★ Every class feels like an exciting discovery.
Gaëlle is an excellent teacher with a clear talent for understanding what students need, but allowing student learning autonomy to create an effective and enjoyable learning environment. Gaëlle's student-centered approach allowed me to feel encouraged and confident in my learning style and aspirations. I took a private course with her and also take part in weekly Cause Café classes, every class feels like an exciting discovery which is how language learning should be! I really recommend Gaëlle to all French learners whatever your goals are.
Juliette Gray, January 2024 (Google)
★★★★★ A fantastic teacher
Gaëlle is a fantastic teacher, she is kind, patient and encouraging and helps me come up with different ways to improve and practice my french that I can easily fit into my schedule. For the first time in my french learning journey, I enjoy our lessons and don’t feel worried about making mistakes.
Elizabeth Goolden, June 2023 (Google)
★★★★★ I couldn't be happier.
I took individual classes with Gaëlle and I couldn’t be happier. Gaëlle pays a lot of attention to your goals and prepares lessons very well. I particularly liked that she corrected my speaking mistakes in a very kind way and always proposed various exercises to practice. I fully recommend her as a teacher and planning to continue after summer!
Anna de Wit, June 2023 (Google)
★★★★★ The confidence to really speak and answer in French
I have lived in Switzerland particularly in the Suisse Romande side for more than a decade. And it was like only a year ago that I gained the confidence to really speak and answer in French without feeling uncomfortable and be mentally blocked of what to say or answer when someone comes up to me for a conversation .Thanks to Gaelle as she manage to unlock/ unblock me and help me gain my confidence to speak the French language. She is quite patient and has the technique to teach you to learn the language . I still have a long way to go to really speak properly but at least now I can engage myself in some basic conversation in French. Again, A huge thank you to Gaelle and would highly recommend her.
Eunice G., June 2023 (Facebook)
★★★★★ What a wonderful class.
What a wonderful class. I attend the weekly babble break class and love it. Gaëlle has a passion for languages and culture that shows in the way she delivers the classes. It’s a highly interactive class with a small number of students. The conversation starters and topics are always interesting and I have learnt so much beyond French language in the classes. While the focus is on conversational skills, Gaëlle covers grammatical aspects as well when she sees an area we are struggling with. It’s a lovely space where I have met wonderful people and I would whole heartedly recommend it to anyone who would like to improve their French conversational skills.
Nadia D., June 2023 (Google)
★★★★★ A phenomenal French teacher.
Gaëlle from Les Mots is a phenomenal French teacher and a really lovely person . She creates a safe, supportive, fun atmosphere to learn. Her classes help expand relevant vocabulary, improve pronunciation and grammar, increase confidence as well as discuss interesting aspects of culture and history. Class discussions often include sharing our different cultural perspectives and experiences and are always lots of fun. After taking Gaëlle’s classes, my ability and confidence to communicate in French has improved dramatically. Additionally, I have really enjoyed the fun, social aspect of her classes and have developed some close friendships with other class members. As a language teacher and Director of Studies myself, Gaëlle is one of those rare gems of a teacher, who has a wide range of skills and expertise, a kind supportive mannerism creating the ideal environment for successful language acquisition. Gaëlle is extremely proficient as a linguistics teacher and as a personal or corporate trainer. I cannot recommend Gaëlle’s services enough!🌻
Alvida Russ, June 2023 (Google)
★★★★★ Gaëlle makes French conversation fun!
Gaelle makes French conversation fun! I look forward to coming to BB every week because it’s just like having coffee with friends. She moderates it well so everyone have an equal chance of speaking. She comes up with good topics that are useful on a daily basis. She makes you feel at ease and welcomes your ideas and questions. The subscription packs makes it easy to manage your lessons where you don’t feel you’re missing out if you can’t come on a certain week.
Besides BB, Gaelle also helped me prepare for my A2 certification in order to get my C-permit. She’s very informative and made me feel comfortable taking the Fide test. I highly recommend Gaelle for your French-speaking needs so don’t hesitate to ask for her help!
Melanie V., June 2023 (direct message)
★★★★★ Un plaisir d'apprendre
C’est toujours un plaisir d'apprendre le français avec Gaëlle. Elle est absolument fantastique et très professionnelle. Mon français s'est beaucoup amélioré depuis que j'ai commencé les cours.
Pernilla Laurits, September 2022 (Google)
★★★★★ Great opportunity
I have the great opportunity of having French Classes with Gaëlle, after having had lot of language teachers, first in English and now starting French I totally recommend her. Her method and classes helped me a lot on my first steps on a new language.
Ig Rudi, September 2022 (Google)
★★★★★ Love this class
We absolutely love this class. Gaëlle is so amazing and extremely easy teacher. You are always confident about asking questions, she always has the right answers for you. And we learn every class. Thank you, les mots!
Merci beaucoup.
Tithi Pandya, September 2022 (Google)
★★★★★ Un soutien incomparable
Gaëlle est d’un soutien incomparable pour la correction de mes textes ainsi que pour mes présentations et oraux. Toujours à l’écoute pour m’aider à surpasser mes objectifs :) et en plus elle est adorable ! Je recommande vivement !
Valentina Cambiaso, August 2022 (Google)
★★★★★ The perfect environment for learning
Gaëlle provides the perfect environment for learning. We express ourselves using our current level of french, talking about subjects, which interest us, which encourages us to expand our vocabulary and to communicate freely. She guides the lesson, giving us each turns, correcting us and sending us a quiz after each session. We don't just learn, but also create connection with others in the group.
Marta Divall, July 2022 (Google)
★★★★★ Super knowledgeable and passionate about learning
I have been taking the cause-café lessons with Gaëlle for more than a year now. Gaëlle is super knowledgeable and passionate about learning a new language and she always gives great insights into the different ways in which we learn. She uses these different techniques in her classes and she always provides supporting information, summaries and quizzes detailing what we have covered in class. I would definitely recommend Gaelle to anyone wishing to improve their French in a relaxed and comfortable environment.
Deborah Hughes, June 2022 (Google)
★★★★★ Makes it fun to learn
Gaëlle is a great teacher. She makes it fun to learn french. I really can recommed her.
Karen Thorsen, June 2022 (Google)
★★★★★ Invaluable for me
Gaëlle’s cause-cafés are invaluable for me as I try to improve my conversational French. While the small group size and Gaëlle herself help me feel comfortable speaking, the varied topics, Gaëlle’s patient explanations, and the self-quizzes that she sends out after each meeting assist me in improving my vocabulary and grammar.
Kari S., June 2022 (Google)
★★★★★ Vraiment très enrichissant
Ce que j’ai apprécié dans ce cours est le fait que j’aie pu travailler ce que je voulais et ce dont j’avais besoin. Je me suis sentie écoutée dans mes demandes et écoutée en général . Cela m’a aidée, car les lacunes que j’avais avant sont parties et j’ai pu apprendre énormément de choses . Les cours sont structurés, organisés et enrichissants . Cela peut aider d’autres personnes en difficulté, car c’est un cours qui n’est en aucun cas stressant ou encore un cours où on n'a pas envie d’aller , c’est juste vraiment très enrichissant . Les difficultés peuvent être de n’importe quel niveau ou même pas forcément des difficultés, juste l’envie d’apprendre l’anglais. C’est un cours assez calme et très intéressant et beaucoup de gens l’apprécieront.
Léa M., June 2022 (Google)
★★★★★ Love my French lessons
Have absolutely loved my French lessons with Gaelle, she has really helped me make my move to French Switzerland easier. The Neurolanguage method was new to me when I was introduced to Gaelle, and it was quickly apparent how good it was - I can highly recommend to everyone as the lessons can be structured to exactly what you need them to be!
Jonny M., June 2022 (Google)
★★★★★ A hugely important support
My son has now been with Gaëlle for the last two years. Whilst he is a fluent speaker of French he lacked written skills (a result of poor teaching at a prior school). Gaëlle has been a hugely important support for him following him through his course work at his current (new) school and preparing him for French written tests. His confidence in written French with respect to spelling and grammar has improved significantly such that he is now performing well at his grade level in French at school. We will continue with Gaëlle as coming from an Italian/English family it is so vital to have a native French support to help with homework/tests preparation. I couldn't recommend Gaëlle more highly. She is so kind and understanding and has the skill of neverending patience that is so important when teaching children.
Claire V., May 2022 (direct)
★★★★★ I feel totally unblocked
Had a fantastic first Neuro Language Try-Out session with Gaëlle an hour ago to see if she could help me get a handle on how to address the difficulties I have been having on my journey to learning French. Wow!! - Just about sums it up. Within in a hour I now understand what has gone wrong by finally knowing what my preferred learning style, focus for learning for my life, motivation for learning French is amongst other things. I have a clear plan and feel totally unblocked and can't wait to start the journey - finally a journey that is now tailored to me, how my brain works, my needs and what I want to learn. Yeah!! Also, Gaëlle is a fountain of knowledge on linguistics just to add a cerise on top.
Karen Vestergaard McGeeney, February 2022 (Google Business & local.ch)
★★★★★ Rigoureuse, professionnelle, bienveillante
J'ai travaillé plusieurs années avec Gaëlle et ce fut un grand plaisir ! Engagée, à l'écoute, bienveillante et juste, elle sait accompagner les autres sur leur chemin et les faire progresser. Elle-même cherche sans cesse à développer ses compétences et aime à les faire partager. Rigoureuse, professionnelle, bienveillante, positive et sympa, je la recommande vivement !!
Marie-Pierre Van Mullem, July 2021 (Google)
★★★★★ Sympathique, pragmatique, efficace et précise
Gaëlle a une très grande maîtrise de la langue française et une aisance rédactionnelle remarquable. Très à l’écoute et comprenant très rapidement les besoins et les souhaits de ses interlocuteurs, elle sait parfaitement traduire les pensées en mots. Au cours de mes années de collaboration avec Gaëlle, j’ai par ailleurs pu découvrir une personne très sympathique, pragmatique, efficace et précise, ayant toujours de bonnes idées et suggestions. Elle a beaucoup apporté à notre équipe. En résumé, je ne peux que la recommander !
Christine Muller, July 2021 (Google)
★★★★★ Du grand art
Si vous recherchez une relecture/correction pour des « mots » qu’il s’agisse d’écrits personnels, professionnels (rapports, mémoires, discours…) et littéraires, Gaëlle Miani est la personne que vous devez contacter. Rigoureuse, à l’écoute, cette relectrice passionnée relèvera les moindres erreurs et incohérences, vous guidera et même vous proposera un autre regard sur vos écrits. N’attendez plus !
nicolas.emilien1, October 2019 (local.ch)
★★★★★ Notre impression :
Ma fille a beaucoup aimé la qualité d’enseignement qu’offre cette gentille enseignante qui sait rendre un cours d’anglais ludique, intéressant et stimulant ! Ce qui n’est pas toujours une chose aisée avec des enfants. Apprendre l’anglais tout en faisant des beaux bricolages, des dessins et des chouettes activités, toujours dirigées par thème nous a pleinement satisfait. Nous vous la recommandons chaleureusement.
Valérie Romanens, August 2019 (local.ch & Google Business)
★★★★★ Cours de langue très utiles et professionnels
J’ai utilisé Gaëlle pour des cours de langue et je l’ai trouvée excellente. Elle est flexible, créative et patiente et possède une connaissance approfondie de l’enseignement du français et de son lien avec votre langue maternelle. Elle adapte les cours à vos besoins spécifiques et vous assure de bien progresser. Je la recommanderais à toute personne cherchant à améliorer son français pour une raison quelconque.
rjmaunder, August 2019 (local.ch)
★★★★★ A skilled and committed teacher and translator.
Gaëlle has taught me French and also provided translation work for me professionally. As a student, I approached her for extra help with specific difficulties I was having as part of my general course of learning and she helped me sort out my difficulties and progress quickly. She sets out grammatical points very simply and provides easy explanations that stay with you.
Gaëlle has also corrected written work for me and provided very useful feedback as part of this. Generally, she is always keen to advise on good things to read and has encouraged and helped me to explore French literature.
For the translation work, Gaëlle was easy and flexible to work with and has provided high quality translations that have been used by across my organisation.
stephenpat1, July 2019 (local.ch)
★★★★★ À recommander !
Passionnée par son métier, elle sait manier les mots comme personne pour donner vie à tout texte. À recommander !
Amaelle Kaegi, July 2019 (local.ch & Google Business)
★★★★★ Strongly recommended
Gaëlle has taught our daughter French for more than a year now and we have been delighted with the methods used to make the learning interesting. The lessons are full of games, music and props and the results are excellent. Her fluent English and natural command over both languages makes it easy for the child who had struggled with earlier teachers who weren’t as fluent in English.
She has also been very helpful to us when we needed her help with translations and writing in French.
I strongly recommend Les Mots for all your linguistic needs.
Ananth Srinivasan, July 2019 (local.ch & Google Business)
★★★★★ Recommande
Très satisfaite et je recommande fortement.
Tina Hölzel-Maida, July 2019 (local.ch)
★★★★★ Highly recommended language lessons & translation service
We went to Les Mots to improve our written and spoken french language skills. Gaëlle is a highly professional teacher who gave a lot of thought and preparation before each lesson to tailer it to our specific needs. The lessons were extremely enjoyable and we both made massive improvements and gained a lot of confidence.
kateparkyn, July 2019 (local.ch)
★★★★★ À recommander !
Personne sympathique, à l’écoute des besoins, passionnée par son activité. À recommander !
Desaules Annycée, July 2019 (Google Business)